Red Mist fails to deliver

While the likes of Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole series is getting better and better, I feel Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta series is about ready for retirement.

The front cover was suitably moody, the back cover was full of tense descriptions and drama about a “gripping, thrilling tour- de-force” and I had enjoyed the earlier books I’d read in the series.

Sadly, I can’t say the same for Red Mist.

This time around, Kay arranges to meet an inmate at a high- security prison.

The inmate is a convicted sex offender and the mother of the rather nasty killer Dawn Kincaid, who earlier in the series attacked our heroine and very nearly killed her.

I struggled to read this book because the plot was thin and fairly implausible and to say the characters were two-dimensional would be an overly flattering description.

I persevered, forcing myself to read to the end but was left feeling disappointed.

Life’s too short for books that don’t deliver.

Red Mist, by Patricia Cornwell (Little, Brown, RRP $28)

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