Everybody's Fool by Richard Russo

■ REVIEW: Everybody's Fool
Sequel full of grit and quirkiness

A decade after Nobody’s Fool, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Russo’s returns to the same characters for a new novel: Everybody’s Fool. Set in the not-so-salubrious American town of North Bath and taking place over a weekend, this new novel has all the heart, grittiness and quirkiness of the first book. The good-hearted but stroppy and

■ REVIEW: Everybody's Fool
Sequel full of grit and quirkiness
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Three Words: An Anthology of Aotearoa/NZ Women’s Comics

■ REVIEW: Three Words, an Anthology of NZ Women's Comics
A spotlight on NZ’s women comic writers

If you happen to read the mainstream newspapers and magazines in this country (in fact, in most countries) you could be forgiven for thinking there were no women comic writers. Even at first glance on the internet, this appears to be a male-dominated industry with little mention of women anywhere. Three Words dispels that myth

■ REVIEW: Three Words, an Anthology of NZ Women's Comics
A spotlight on NZ’s women comic writers
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