McCloud picks favourites and explains why

After 14 years of Grand Designs on television, Kevin McCloud has pulled together some of his favourite homes from the TV show and packaged them in this hard cover collection that shows an amazing range of homes and personalities.

If you’ve never seen the television Grand Designs television show hosted by the author, then you have missed out on a treat. Being able to follow the redesign, rebuild or new build of a house from start to finish is truly entertaining on a level that can be surprising.

It’s intriguing to follow the entire design process, which often appears to be equal parts innovative thinking and magic, with homes evolving in sometimes unexpected ways.

McCloud has scoured the archives to the television show to showcase what were his favourite projects.

Using page after page of beautiful photography and building plans, the author explains just why these were his favourites: from the unique ecological approach of woodsman Ben Law in Prickly Nut Wood, to the experimental quirkiness of Sarah Wigglesworth and Jeremy Till’s straw bale house in Islington.

The end result is a collection that will have you ooh-ing and ah-ing. And perhaps will have your other half nervously hiding the toolbox and you start to feel more than a little inspired.

The Best of Grand Designs, by Kevin McCloud (HarperCollins, RRP $55)

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