Low cost doesn’t mean low flavour

It’s easy to make food taste spectacular if you’re chucking expensive ingredients into the equation but making great-tasting food that will appeal to the whole family and keep the budget under control is a little more of a challenge.

With the recession putting the squeeze on all of us, I’m sure most people would be keen for a few tips so save some bucks, and Sophie Grey has plenty of ideas.

The author is already well known to many Kiwis through her Destitute Gourmet brand, with its mantra of living well by spending less, and that mantra is more relevant than ever with the state of the economy.

To feed a family for $15 (and in some cases much less) is a triumph in itself, but Grey’s aim is that those meals need to be popular with the family and also healthy. It’s easy to grab a sachet or jar of some kind of instant flavour additive from the supermarket but chances are it will be packed with salt and other nasties.

The publication of this cookbook also tied in with the launch of Grey’s shopping app to help people manage their grocery shopping.

There’s something for everyone in this book, with some really nice meatless recipes included (the almond and lentil “meatloaf” is well worth trying).

Feed the Family for $15 or Less, by Sophie Grey (Random House, RRP $35)

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