Month: December 2014

Kiwi history makes this a page-turner

Fitz: The Colonial Adventures of James Edward Fitzgerald, by Jennifer Roberts (Otago University Press, RRP $40): The subject of this biography is an important figure in the settlement of Canterbury. He was the province’s first superintendent, a politician, a watercolourist and founder…

‘Bluebells’ takes the cake

Bluebells Cakery, by Karla Goodwin (Random House, RRP $50): You have probably looked at the covers of dozens of cookbooks and thought “I could never make that”. Looking at the cover of Bluebells Cakery, at a six-tier pastel-coloured cake, decorated…

This fairytale’s not for children

The Mijo Tree, by Janet Frame (Penguin, RRP $25): This is an odd little tale. Published posthumously, the manuscript gathered dust in the Hocken Library archive for many years. Illustrated to great – and somewhat dark effect – The Mijo…