■ REVIEW: Bluebells Cakery
‘Bluebells’ takes the cake

You have probably looked at the covers of dozens of cookbooks and thought “I could never make that”.

Looking at the cover of Bluebells Cakery, at a six-tier pastel-coloured cake, decorated with delicate ribbon-ruffle icing I thought the same thing Only, I had a crack at it . . . for my daughter’s first birthday . . . and it worked perfectly, almost identically to Goodwin’s. She has more experience than me (she runs Bluebells Cakery, one of Auckland’s most popular cake shops) , but it was close enough for it to be judged a success. And it tasted great.

The how-to guides make this a book wannabe bakers and cake makers will return to regularly. I found my go-to cake recipe and I am sure other recipes will be added to the repertoire.

But, hey, it’s a book about cakes. What’s not to like?

Bluebells Cakery, by Karla Goodwin (Random House, RRP $50)

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