■ REVIEW: The Spotter’s Guide to the Male Species
Know your blokes

Blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe may have tried to convince us diamonds are a girl’s best friend but she was wrong. This little book is truly a girl’s best friend.

Inspired by the classic bird-spotter’s bibles of the past, this little pocket or handbag sized book is a handy guide to blokes in all their glory.

This book will help you track down the most elusive of all nature’s prey — the Ideal Man.

The individual sections cover everything from “appearance and plumage” (his clothes) to “hibernation instincts” (what he does to relax).

This is a hilarious little read and actually not too far from the truth.

In the section on his natural habitat, we are given an insight into his bed _ otherwise known as his nest: His nocturnal habits will be quite basic — sex, either with himself or, if he’s lucky, another person, and sleep.

So there you go ladies, before you settle down with Mr-I-Think-He’ll-Do, buy yourselves a copy of this book and check out all his traits.

You might just find Mr Right.

The Spotter’s Guide to the Male Species, by Juliette Wills (Random House, $22.95)

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