Uncomfortably real thriller

Here’s a book that will grab you by the throat from the very first page and keep your attention to the end.

It kicks off with a massacre in a small Sussex village on a cold January morning. The almost painfully tense story of the trail of death and destruction left after the shooting rampage is told from the point of view of Julia Trent, believed to be the sole survivor.

As the shooter comes for her, the author has managed to make her fear incredibly, and uncomfortably, real.

Julia survive her injuries and begins the slow process of physical recovery but is frustrated and angered that her account of the massacre has been ignored: that her story of two shooters has been dismissed out of hand by the authorities.

She can’t let it go and after being contacted by Craig Walker, the son one of the other victims, she decided to find out just what really happened on that awful day and what is being hidden.

What ensues is a story that has plenty of action and enough plot twists to keep you on your toes.

Skin and Bones, by Tom Bale (Random House, RRP $36.99)

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