Exisle Publishing

■ REVIEW: Gallipoli: A Ridge too Far
Gallipoli: What might have been, what should have been

We always tend to focus on Gallipoli as an Anzac story but it was a battle involving seven countries, all of which suffered in the hell of the 1915 campaign. This new book takes a fresh approach to telling the story of Gallipoli, with prominent historians from New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Turkey, […]

■ REVIEW: Gallipoli: A Ridge too Far
Gallipoli: What might have been, what should have been
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■ REVIEW: Raising Stress-Proof Kids
Must-read parenting guide

This is a must-read parenting guide by Australian author, teacher and expert in restorative practice, Shelley Davidow. Her award-winning books deal with a wide range of social issues. This book explains the importance of minimising stress for our children and gives lots of hot tips on how to do so. Part one discusses stress, part two

■ REVIEW: Raising Stress-Proof Kids
Must-read parenting guide
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I Just Get So ... Angry!

■ REVIEW: I Just Get So ... Angry!
Giving teens tools to deal with anger

This is an amazing little graphic novel written to help teenagers combat anger and build resilience. The author and the illustrator are a husband and wife team and are both trained school counsellors who live in New South Wales, Australia. Andy is the angry protagonist who undertakes a journey of self-discovery. The aim is to

■ REVIEW: I Just Get So ... Angry!
Giving teens tools to deal with anger
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■ REVIEW: Mindful Learning
Modern-day ‘sit up straight and pay attention’

In these busy times we have a tendency to do things with a lot of thought, often resulting in a lack of connection and a lack of interest. Clinical psychologist Dr Richard Chambers and Dr Craig Hassed understand that “mindfulness” is an essential part of learning and are keen to encourage all of us to

■ REVIEW: Mindful Learning
Modern-day ‘sit up straight and pay attention’
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■ REVIEWS: Optimum Health the Paleo Way | The Thermogenic Diet
Healthy eating begins, as it always did, with real food

It seems every week there is some new fad diet promising to fight flab in some miraculous way, but the so-called paleo diet is proof that there is really nothing new under the sun. The paleo way is is all about a more natural, seasonal way of eating. The author says following this eating plan

■ REVIEWS: Optimum Health the Paleo Way | The Thermogenic Diet
Healthy eating begins, as it always did, with real food
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Emotional First Aid

■ REVIEWS: Emotional First Aid | Younger Skin in 28 Days | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME | Intuition
Advice from skin care to intuition

Self-help books available now include: We have methods of treatment for all our physical injuries but most of us have no idea how to treat day-to-day emotional injuries such as failure, rejection, guilt and loss. Dr Guy Winch – a licensed psychologist and author who has also dabbled in standup comedy – says these kinds

■ REVIEWS: Emotional First Aid | Younger Skin in 28 Days | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ME | Intuition
Advice from skin care to intuition
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