The wisdom of Agnes in time for Christmas

Irish comedian Brendon O’Carroll has taken the world by storm as with his gender bending performances on our television and movie screens so it should come as no surprise that his alter-ego Agnes Brown is now ready to take her place on our bookshelves.

O’Carroll is so believable as mammy extraordinaire Mrs Brown, that seeing him out of costume in interviews as himself is actually quite disconcerting: the voice is mammy, the moustache certainly isn’t.

The Mrs Brown’s Boys TV serious is great fun and parts of the feature-length movie were, too. However, I did find it a tad too long, indicating that the concept is definitely more suited to a TV-length attention span rather than a feature film. Or that perhaps I have the attention span of the proverbial gnat.

In this book, Mrs Brown’s A to Y (who really needs “Zs” anyway?), Agnes looks at everything from piles, to the Big Bang, to hairdryers. It’s all handled with the level of fun and irreverence we’ve come to expect and would make a great last-minute Christmas gift if you’ve got a Mrs Brown fan to shop for.

Make sure you check out the hints on interpreting your dreams!

Mrs Brown’s A-Y of Everything, by Brendan O’Carroll (Michael Joseph, Penguin, RRP $50)

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