Getting to know them over coffee

Now here’s a cutesy idea: a series of dramatised biographies that allow the reader to travel back in time and spend an hour or so with some of the more interesting people in history.

Coffee With Groucho, by Simon Louvish, features the Marx brother who could have been the king of Movember, while Coffee With Oscar Wilde, written by Merlin Holland, gets up close and personal with Ireland’s favourite wit.

These are great little books and it really does feel like you’re just having a chat with the subject of the book.

The series also includes Plato, Marilyn Monroe, Ernest Hemingway, Mozart, Buddah and Michelangelo.

After reading any of the titles in the series you will be left feeling like you know more about what made them tick.

Coffee With: Groucho Marx and Oscar Wilde, both published by HarperCollins ( $19.99 each)

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