Author name: Jillian Allison-Aitken

Celebrating NZ’s people

There are already plenty of books around that showcase the beautiful scenery of our country — the mountains, oceans and rivers. There are also quite a few that highlight our critters, our food and other Kiwiana. Now here’s one that celebrates our people. Faces of New Zealand includes more than 100 photos of New Zealanders,

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Explaining Anzac Day

This is a fantastic book for young Kiwis who want to know more about just what Anzac Day is all about. A moving and fascinating explanation of how the red poppy came to symbolise this special day in our nation’s history, Wearing the Poppy is the story of our first Anzacs, told through the experiences

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Four-legged hero honoured

Caesar was the New Zealand Rifle Brigade’s mascot, a bulldog with attitude and courage. Trained as a Red Cross dog, Caesar rescued wounded soldiers from no man’s land. Like most dogs, he did what he did out of loyalty and trust. This story has been written by the great-niece of Caesar’s handler and is something

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