Modern-day ‘sit up straight and pay attention’

In these busy times we have a tendency to do things with a lot of thought, often resulting in a lack of connection and a lack of interest.

Clinical psychologist Dr Richard Chambers and Dr Craig Hassed understand that “mindfulness” is an essential part of learning and are keen to encourage all of us to adopt better learning habits by being present and accountable.

Subtitled “reduce stress and improve brain performance for effective learning”, this book is a comprehensive guide to doing just that. Using what the book says is the proven stress management technique of mindfulness, they reckon you can improve your brain performance for effective learning.

Some of the content comes across as a bit fluffy and being a practical person, I figure it’s really the modern-day version of the whole “sit up straight and pay attention” delivered by my standard 4 teacher Mrs Bridgeman with the assistance of a well aimed blackboard duster.

In this case, though, it is delivered with a good dose of gentle encouragement instead of the duster.

It worked back then, so I guess it should work now, too.

Mindful Learning, by Dr Chris Hassed and Dr Richard Chambers (Exisle Publishing, RRP $35)

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