Must-read titles on must-see movies

Are you a bit of a movie buff? Do you want to show off to your friends and family, displaying a wealth of movie knowledge that will leave them reeling (no pun intended).

Okay, so if you really do show off to all and sundry, spouting forth every little detail about every little movie those very same family and friends might just end up thinking you’re a bit of a knob but if you just want to know what the must-sees are in these two popular movie categories, these little books might be just the ticket.

For each entry, you get all the expected stats on who did what on the set along with posters and stills from the movies in question. You also get a couple of pages that is almost a potted history of everything: the plot, what the critics said, what the punters thought of it and anything else that might be relevant.

These books aren’t going to keep the true uber-movie-buff happy but the average genuine movie fan will enjoy dipping into them to compare notes and check out what movies they still need to see.

101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die & 101 Sci-Fi Movies You Must See Before You Die, both by Steven Jay Schneider (Quintessence, RRP $30 each)


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