■ REVIEW: The Ultimate Book of Heroic Failures
It takes genius to get it terribly wrong

While we cheer on those who do well in their chosen field, we also enjoy hearing of the failures of others.

I suppose it’s human nature to take just a little pleasure in the knowledge that there are others out there who aren’t perfect.

This little book celebrates those imperfections in all their glory, with page after page of heroic failures set out for the reader to enjoy.

Anyone can be a success but, according to this book, it takes real and original genius to fould up big time.

Stephen Pile, president of The Not Terribly Good Club of Great Britain authored the original Book of Heroic Failures 25 years ago (a book I bought all those years ago and still own today) and has returned in this all-new offering with more stories that celebrate the art of “getting it wrong”.

From the mugger who left his “victim” $250 better off to the worst footy team on the planet, the heroic failures in this book will leave you feeling entertained, informed and perhaps just a little superior.

Lots of fun.

The Ultimate Book of Heroic Failures, by Stephen Pile (Allen & Unwin, RRP $25)

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