■ REVIEW: Nerd Do Well
Pegg’s humour shines through

Quirky British comedian Simon Pegg has tried his hand at writing and the result is an autobiography that feels like the perfect mix of professional overview and personal emotion.

Pegg is one of those actors who seems to have the knack of being effortlessly funny.

He showed this with his performances in comedy cult classics Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

The critics weren’t so enamoured of his acting abilities in the romantic comedy How to Lose Friends & Alienate People with Megan Fox but I found it entertaining enough. Besides, he’s Scotty in the new Star Trek so he must be pretty cool.

However, this book is about more than just his career: Pegg offers a fairly close look at his personal life.

In interviews on television, he always comes across as genuinely funny without having to push the audience to laugh and that same surprisingly gentle and very real humour comes across in this book.

This is a great read and if you’re not a fan of Simon Pegg already, you will be after reading this book.

Nerd Do Well, by Simon Pegg (Century, RRP $39.99)

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