■ REVIEW: Smile
Smile lives up to its name

There’s always time in life for a bit of a giggle and cartoonist Mark Lynch has a knack for creating delightfully silly cartoons to tickle the funny bone.

Lynch was the former editorial cartoonist for the Australian but his cartoon talents don’t end there. In fact, his first love is the cartoon genre known as the single gag: a simple panel cartoon that conveys its humour in one panel.

This is a great little book to dip into when you’re having one of those miseable days: open it an any page and you’ll find something that will make you do exactly as the title suggests: smile.

Whether it’s God presenting Moses with the Prozac tablets or Snow White’s choice of profession, there’s something in here that will give everyone a giggle.

All too often these days things don’t live up to the advertising hype but this book is aptly named and well worth the cover price.

Smile, by Mark Lynch (Exisle Publishing, RRP $24.99)

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