■ REVIEW: Day Watch
The Day Watch

This is the second book in the Night Watch trilogy, a series of vampire novels set in post-Soviet Moscow.

Here, vampires operate under license and Good and Evil are part of a Cold War-like balance of power.

The Others walk the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from everyone else. They have supernatural powers and each of them has an allegiance to either the Dark or the Light.

They are also able to enter the Twilight, a shadowy world that exists alongside our own.

In this story we kick off with some action, move into what could be a love story then rock on to some more action, adventure, magic and supernatural drama.

This is a complex story but well worth making the effort.

Day Watch, by Sergei Lukyanenko (Random House $36.99)

1 thought on “<span style='color: #ff6600; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px'><strong>■ REVIEW: Day Watch</strong></span><br>The Day Watch”

  1. lol a couple of the reviews bloggers write are just silly and unrelated, sometimes i wonder whether they at all read the post before writing or whether they merely look at the subject of the post and write the very first thought that comes to their minds. But it is nice to find a fresh commentary every now and then in contrast to the exact same, traditional blog garbage which I oftentimes notice on the blogs. Cheers

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