Broken but not beaten

In 1994, Kathy Torpie’s world changed forever.

Driving home she had the misfortune to meet up with a drunk-driver and in an instant, her body was broken and the face she had seen every time she looked in the mirror was gone.

The broken limbs and shattered facial bones eventually healed but the scars left behind are both physical and emotional.

Even after two 12-hour surgeries to put the fragments of her face back together, she still looked like a different person.

This book details her journey from being trapped in the wreckage of her car to the present time.

This book gives an interesting insight into what it’s like to be so vulnerable and to be 100 percent reliant on the kindness of strangers.

Reading of Torpie’s struggles and pain, it’s impossible to avoid being drawn into the story and feel her anger and sense of frustration at her helplessness.
Torpie survived the crash. However, she said she felt as if she had died.

The long road to recovery involved not just the surgeries to piece together her face and body but also putting her life back together.

Torpie has done just that and managed to write a truly inspirational book as a result of it.

Losing Face, by Kathy Torpie (HarperCollins, $30)

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