Quake-city humour to tickle your funny bone

It’s hard to believe it has been three since the deadly aftershock that hit Canterbury, following the September 2010 quake.

Cantabrians have had an awful time since the quakes happened and even now, as the frequency and strength of the aftershocks diminish, things are still pretty rough for many living in those areas.

Life goes on, but that doesn’t mean it has returned to the way it was before Mother Nature did her thing.

However, embracing that fantastic Kiwi trait of finding the humour in everything, people living with the day-to-day dramas of a city recovering from a major natural disaster still find time to crack a few jokes and point out the lighter side of their situation.

Cantabrian Bruce Raines started the “you know you’re from Christchurch when” Facebook page in the aftermath of the February quake and from the posts there put together the first volume of this wee book, which went on to become a best-seller.

People are still adding to the Facebook page and the humour was too good not to share (you know you’re from Christchurch when an online auction for a port-a-loo is going to spark a bidding war) so here we have volume 2, another potential best-seller.

You Know You’re From Chch When … 2, compiled by Bruce Raines (HarperCollins, RRP $17)

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