50 shades of political humour

Whatever your politics, you’ll find it hard not to have a giggle at a few of the offerings in this little book.

Columnist-author-publisher Paul Little has added captions to a selection of photographs of Prime Minister John Key as he goes about his daily duties as leader of our patch of paradise.

Some of them are a bit hit or miss, but those that do hit the mark are absolute gems.

There’s also a section of jokes at the end of the book, all focusing on our PM.

Some of the humour is just a wee bit risque but there’s nothing here you’d be scared to share with the vicar.

In these tough economic times, the ability to raise a few laughs can be priceless. In this case, though, we can put a price on it: $15. Well worth the money.

50 Shades of Key: The Unofficial John Key Joke Book, by Paul Little (Paul Little Books, RRP $15)

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