Dyer offers a fresh outlook

Freelance journalist-columnist Gwynne Dyer has a knack of taking complex, controversial stories and offering a fresh view.

From the Middle East to Afghanistan, Dyer has a depth of understanding that is seemingly unparalleled and he has the ability to take incredibly complex issues and explain them in simple terms.

This is a rare talent, and is something many of the world’s political leaders could do with learning.

In Future Tense — a followup to the bestselling Ignorant Armies — Dyer analyses the motives and strategies of the fringe groups of extremists in both the United States and the Middle East.

Since the end of the Cold War, the US has emerged as the world’s only military super-power. However, Dyer ponders whether this has made the world a safer place and wonders just what the future holds.

He also looks at how the world made its way to the brink of disaster, and how we may all slide over the edge.

As always, it’s an easy-to-follow look at one of the most complex issues facing the world today. And whether or not you agree with Dyer’s opinion on the situation, there’s no arguing with the fact that this is an incredibly readable summing up.

Future Tense, The Coming World Order, by Gwynne Dyer (Scribe, $32)

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