Making the most of your money

This is a revised edition of Martin Hawes’ best-selling book. It aims to help anyone make money on the sharemarket, no matter how experienced or inexperienced they might be.

The author explains what he says are the seven secrets to becoming a successful investor and as with all his books, does it in plain English.

The market is more volatile than ever now so if you are thinking of having a go, buying this book would be a great first investment.

Shares, by Martin Hawes (Penguin, $40)

Alan Clarke is an authorised financial adviser with 24 years’ experience under his belt.

He has seen people get it right while others have managed to get it incredibly wrong and because of that, he has some great advice on how to avoid those financially painful mistakes that so many make.

This easy-to-follow book is packed full of advice and tips to make it easier to prepare for retirement.

It’s not a guide on how to make your fortune and retire rich, it’s a roadmap for how to think about the future and retire richer, and if you are already retired, how to stay richer.

Retire Richer, by Alan Clarke (, RRP $40)

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