Author name: F Mulligan

■ REVIEW: A King's Ransom
Well-researched look at medieval politics

For his part in the third Crusade, King Richard the Lionheart has won prestige, legendary status and, sadly, enemies within Christian Europe itself. As a result, his journey home becomes fraught with danger. Storms and pirates fade into insignificance when he is detained by Duke Leopold of Austria, a man with a grievance against Richard.

■ REVIEW: A King's Ransom
Well-researched look at medieval politics
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■ REVIEW: Unearthed
Kiwi angle helps lift tone of novel

This is a New Zealand environmental thriller with a message or two. Set in the Waikato, Sam Miro is a young, highly regarded researcher working on environment monitoring. When some of his study farms start to show odd results, further investigation uncovers sinister forces at work. Someone has deliberately created an environmental disaster in order

■ REVIEW: Unearthed
Kiwi angle helps lift tone of novel
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