User-friendly computer tips and advice

Written with the newbie in mind, It’s Never Too Late to Love a Computer is a straightforward guide to getting started with a computer.

The information on how to choose the best computer for your needs is well put together and even includes a test-drive check list so you can keep track of what you want and what components work best for you.

The book also looks at all the components found in the average computer that explains what they do, how they do it and why. From there you’ll find information on how to set up a computer, where to set it up and how to care for it.

Special sections even cover the different needs of Windows and Mac users.

There’s also a guide to the basics of using the internet and e-mail, shopping online and much more.

Written and a chatty, sometimes humorous manner that won’t scare away even the most computer-phobic user, It’s Never Too Late to Love a Computer will have you handling your computer like a pro in no time.

It’s never too late to love a computer, by Abby Stokes (Bookreps NZ, $34.95)

While most people have access to the internet these days, whether at home, work, school, a local library, net cafe or a combination of all of the above, how to actually make use of the internet is still a bit of a mystery to some.

Get the Net is a jargon-free, step-by-step guide to the internet and e-mail for New Zealanders. It will also give you an understanding of how your computer works and what you should look for when buying a machine. All the basics are covered, from CMOS setup to online shopping. The book is illustrated throughout and is perfect for the net-challenged.

However, it’s not just the newbies who could benefit from this book – the section on good housekeeping, which covers how to back up files and the steps you should take on a regular basis to keep your computer running smoothly would probably be useful for many users.

The book is spiral bound, making it easy to keep open at the right spot while using your computer and everything is written in plain English, so don’t worry about having to work your way through pages of geek-speak. It’s simple, helpful and certainly delivers what it promises.

Get the Net, by Mark Broatch and Stephen Stratford (Hodder Moa Beckett)


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