Month: April 2015

Tracing NZ’s tartan history

Unpacking the Kists: The Scots in New Zealand, by Brad Patterson, Tom Brooking and Jim McAloon (Otago University Press, RRP $70): This is an informative study of the nature and effect of Scottish migration to New Zealand. It covers myriad…

French idioms … and bidets

The Eat Horses Don’t They? The Truth About the French by Piu Marie Eatwell (HarperCollins, RRP $37): Have you ever wondered what life in France is really like? Is it all garlic and fabulousness? Berets and croissants? What do they do with bidets? Do they really eat horses? In this quirky little book, Piu…

Great piece of local history

Swaggers, Tinkers, Hawkers: Deep South Tales, by Jeannie Barnes (Sycamore Print, RRP $18.99): The launch of Jeannie Barnes’ long-awaited book on the swagmen of the south brought together a host of Southlanders – from those who contributed stories to the book…