April 2015

■ REVIEW: One Hundred Summers
Celebrating the wonder of ‘show day’

In what is a deceptively compact little book, former Southland Times farming reporter John Cutt packed in a wealth of history and information that covers 100 years of the Winton A & P Association. Subtitled ‘‘celebrating the achievements of the Winton A&P Association’’, the book is also a celebration of the people who have contributed

■ REVIEW: One Hundred Summers
Celebrating the wonder of ‘show day’
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■ REVIEW: The Eat Horses Don’t They?
French idioms … and bidets

Have you ever wondered what life in France is really like? Is it all garlic and fabulousness? Berets and croissants? What do they do with bidets? Do they really eat horses? In this quirky little book, Piu Marie Eatwell reveals the truth behinds 45 myths about France and its citizens. The author lived in France

■ REVIEW: The Eat Horses Don’t They?
French idioms … and bidets
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■ REVIEW: Swaggers, Tinkers, Hawkers: Deep South Tales
Great piece of local history

The launch of Jeannie Barnes’ long-awaited book on the swagmen of the south brought together a host of Southlanders – from those who contributed stories to the book to families of some who were the subjects. Ms Barnes has researched widely and well, drawing on many contacts built up over a lifetime here and has

■ REVIEW: Swaggers, Tinkers, Hawkers: Deep South Tales
Great piece of local history
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