■ REVIEW: The 1000 Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask Yourself
Helpful but not a hug-fest

I’m no great fan of self-help books and anyone who knows me will understand why it is my sister who is the social worker of the family and not me.

However, this is one of those books that even a cynic like me can see the benefit of owning because it offers sound advice and isn’t a mamby pamby hug-fest. Which is, I suppose, why this book has been a worldwide success.

Author Alyss Thomas is an experienced psychotherapist who has seen first- hand what goes wrong in people’s lives, and using that experience she created a book that will help deal with those dramas.

And best of all, each section of the book is set out as a quiz — and who doesn’t like quizzes?

The 1000 Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask Yourself, by Alyss Thomas (Exisle Publishing, RRP $30)

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