■ REVIEW: Or Is That Just Me?
Great little read about a great little presenter

For anyone out there who hasn’t watched Top Gear on TV (come out from under your rock), Richard “Hamster” Hammond is the little guy who helps present the show.

You know, the dude who had that mammoth crash in the jet-powered car back in 2006 while travelling at 463kmh.

And it’s worth mentioning that wasn’t the top speed of the car.

Of course, he lived to tell the tale, even writing about it in his book On The Edge: My Story.

This time around he’s giving us glimpses into his life with a collection of stories about some of the many hair-raising stunts, expeditions and encounters he’s had.

While this doesn’t have the grunt of On the Edge, it’s a fun read that isn’t too taxing on the brain.

The writing style is quite chatty and it’s one of those books you can pick up and dip into any time.

A great little read that will appeal to all fans of the Top Gear show.

And seriously, if you haven’t watched Top Gear you really need to start.

Or Is That Just Me? by Richard Hammond (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, RRP $39.99)

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