Category: General non-fiction

French idioms … and bidets

The Eat Horses Don’t They? The Truth About the French by Piu Marie Eatwell (HarperCollins, RRP $37): Have you ever wondered what life in France is really like? Is it all garlic and fabulousness? Berets and croissants? What do they do with bidets? Do they really eat horses? In this quirky little book, Piu…

Climate debate heats up

Living in a Warmer World: How a changing climate will affect our lives, edited by Jim Salinger (Bateman, RRP $40): Eighteen essays by chiefly Australian and Kiwi scientists detail what is happening as our planet gets warmer and examine both…

Sniffing out dog facts

Every Dog Has Its Day: A Thousand things You Didn’t Know About Man’s Best Friend, by Max Cryer (Exisle Publishing, RRP $30): After penning books on everything from proverbs to music, Max Cryer has now turned his attention to man’s…