Category: Advice, guides & self-help

Wordy help at hand

Your Joking, by Mary Mountier (Grantham House Publishing, RRP $19.99): Did you spot the error in the title? If not, the tagline beneath the heading on the book’s cover might give you a hint: “including how to know the difference…

Expert shares his knowledge

Save Money on your Mortgage, by Martin Hawes (Penguin, RRP $30): What Martin Hawes doesn’t know about handling your finances isn’t worth knowing. This time around, he’s tackling what is most likely our biggest financial outlay, and our biggest debt:…

Inspiration for success

Lead to Succeed, by Craig Lewis (Harper, $29.99): When it comes to self-motivation, elite athletes have the market cornered. These guys (and gals) have the drive and stamina to push themselves to their limits, constantly striving for excellence. This book…

Hope for me yet

A Perfect Mess, by Eric Abrahamson and David H Freedman (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, RRP $35.99): So, we’ve had the self-help books that tell us how to organise our lives and  have everything running like a well-oiled machine. It’s big business, this organising…